Robot and Monster
Robot and Monster is an American CGI animated series created by Dave Pressler, Joshua Sternin and J.R. Ventimilia. Main characters Robot and Monster are voiced by Curtis Armstrong and comedian Harland Williams, respectively. It began production in 2009 and was ordered for a full 26-episode season in 2010, before finally premiering on Nickelodeon on August 4, 2012. In December 2012, the series was put on hiatus, leaving 4 episodes unaired.
Genre: Action & Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Actor: Curtis Armstrong, Harland Williams, Maurice LaMarche, Jonathan Slavin, Megan Hilty, Cree Summer, Rhea Perlman, Fred Tatasciore, Kurtwood Smith
Country: United States of America
Type: tv
Duration: 0h 0m
Release: 2012-08-04
Rating: 5.2